Feeling Lonely

It can be really hard when you feel lonely and you do not think you have anyone you can turn to for support. It is important to identify areas in your life where you can access support, this may be from a trusted adult in your family or within college. It could be talking to your employer or leaders at any activities you access, for example, a sports coach. It could also be talking to your friendship group to share positive coping strategies. There are always organisations you can access for support, including: Young Minds https://youngminds.org.uk/ MIND 01482 240200 The Warren Hull 01482 218115 https://www.thewarren.org/ Lets Talk hull 01482 247111 Lets Talk East Riding 01482 335451 You can access your tutor within college, attend the Emotional Well-being drop in sessions or the counselling drop in sessions (times and dates displayed on the right hand side of the blog) to discuss your support needs. You can also access the NHS free well-being audio guides: https://www.nh...