
Showing posts from July, 2022


Endings…. Summer holidays are upon us so that means endings. Second years will finish college for good whilst those of you in year 1 will be contemplating the end of a first year at college. Whether you are finishing completely or ending for the summer and returning in the autumn, all of you are experiencing some kind of ending. After all that build up to exams, exam stress and the focus on the academic, what now? It will be different for everyone, some will be embracing the end, some of you will be apprehensive about the end, whilst other will feel a bit numb, all that effort and angst and now its stopped. With endings also come beginnings. So how do I shift from an ending to a beginning? The transition for some will be swift with plans and schemes in place, for others there will be a time of gradual transition. There is no one right way, we are all individuals. But here is a checklist of things to consider whilst experiencing that transition. Make Plans. If not already d...