Panic Disorders

The NHS describes a Panic Disorder as;

“Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder where you regularly have sudden attacks of panic or fear.

Everyone experiences feelings of anxiety and panic at certain times. It's a natural response to stressful or dangerous situations.

But for someone with panic disorder, feelings of anxiety, stress and panic occur regularly and at any time, often for no apparent reason”.
If you are experiencing panic disorders it is important that you seek support in dealing with the issue. Do not feel afraid to talk to your GP, they are trained and experienced in dealing with Panic Disorders. They can assess you and identify what support would be best suitable for you.

Click on the link for further information

How can we support you?

If you are suffering from Panic Disorders it is important that you speak to your tutor and make them aware of how you are feeling and how this is affecting you. They will be able to support you with speaking to your teachers and accessing support within college. You can also look at the advice, guidance and tips within the blog to help you to manage feelings of anxiety and stress.

The following link MIND anxiety and panic attacks will take you to the MIND website which has a wealth of knowledge around Anxiety and Panic attacks. We also have a number of PDF copies of the MIND Anxiety and Panic Attack booklets located within the Well-Being section of the library.

Please email and she will prepare the booklet for you to collect instantly. Alternatively, have a look in the Well-being section of the library for further resources available to loan.

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