Mental Health Awareness Week

This week is mental health awareness week. The Mental Health Foundation are asking people to connect with nature. This is because more than half of UK adults said that nature improved their Mental Health. Four in Ten people say that it made them less anxious or worried. Almost two thirds said that being close to nature meant they experienced positive emotions. Click here for the video with more information.

Some of the ways you can participate in Mental Health Awareness Week:

1) During Mental Health Awareness Week, why not try to make a habit each day of connecting to the nature in your local area? Stop to listen to the birdsong, smell the freshly cut grass, take care of a house plant, notice any trees, flowers, or animals nearby. Take a moment to appreciate these connections.

2) Share images/videos/or just sound recordings of the nature on your doorstep (and how this made you feel) on social media using #ConnectWithNature and #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek

3) Use Mental Health Foundation resources in your family, school, workplace, and community to join with thousands of people who will be finding new ways to connect with nature in their local environment.

For more information about this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week visit or join the conversation on social media using #ConnectWithNature and #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek

Here at Wyke you could use some of your lunchtime to sit outside and take in the nature that surrounds you. Also be more observant of the nature on your way to or from college whilst walking or from the window of the bus. Take more notice of nature and how it makes you feel.

MIND is using the awareness week by asking people to share clips of themselves on social media to speak out and raise awareness about why they have joined the fight for mental health. Follow this link for more information and to get involved.

As always check out togetherall and kooth for more information regarding mental health awareness week and how to keep yourself feeling well.


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