Be Kind to Yourself


You talk to yourself more than anyone around you, maybe not out loud like you do with your friends and family, but we all talk to ourselves. Think about how you talk to yourself, are you kind or are you judgmental?

It is so important that we give ourselves positive messages, it’s not about changing yourself, it’s about cutting yourself some slack. Acknowledge when something has not gone right or the way you were expecting and then think about or picture how it could be different and more positive. Use this to make your next experience more positive.

If you said all the negative things to another person, how would they react? If another person said those things to you, how would you react?

Happiness comes from within, so please be kind to yourself, you will then notice your self-esteem improves, relationships will improve and you will start to feel happier.

Try the following;

  1. Give yourself time: allow yourself 30 minutes per day to read a book, take a walk or listen to music
  2. Positivity: spend 60 seconds writing down positive words about yourself
  3. Journal: write a journal about yourself, what you like about yourself, what you feel you are good at, ask others to describe you in three kind words.
  4. Check out self-care, wellness tools, relaxation and all the other posts within the blog and try some for yourself.

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