Feeling Low
Having low mood and no motivation can make you feel lonely, you may feel tired, worried or frustrated. There are a number of things you can do to help lift your mood, try an activity which makes you feel good or which you enjoy. Write a list of things you enjoy and try one each day, as your mood lifts you may start to feel more confident to join group activities.
Be kind to yourself, don’t be angry with yourself for feeling low, don’t criticise yourself. You need to give yourself positive affirmations and be proud of yourself when you achieve something.
Tiredness affects our mood and our ability to think clearly, prioritising sleep is very important. Simple tips to improve your sleep include;
Talk to a trusted friends, adult, parents/carers or try contacting a support service. There are quick links to various website and organisations to help you when you are feeling low, below are some examples;
Counselling service within college
The Warren - 01482 218115 they offer a counselling service, women’s service, health service and they have LGTBQ support all for 14-25 year olds
Lets Talk - Hull 01482 247111
Lets Talk - East Riding 01482 335451 (this is for 17 ½ years upwards and they can self-refer)
East Riding Emotional Wellbeing Service - www.humberews.co.uk there is so much information on there that students can access for support and self-help information.
IESO - Online counselling for East Riding GP patients (18+) www.iesohealth.com
North Lincolnshire - Healthy Lifestyle Service telephone 01724 298212 or email: nlc.healthylifestyles@nhs.net
MIND - 01482 240200
School Nursing Team - text SCHOOLNURSE to 61825