How you have supported your own wellbeing during this pandemic

How you have supported your own wellbeing during this pandemic.

Thank you to all our students for taking part in the learner voice survey.

You identified several ways lockdown has affected your wellbeing, you highlighted feeling;

  • Unmotivated
  • Increased anxiety
  • Stressed
  • Angry
  • Isolated
  • Lonely
  • Bored
  • Affected sleep patterns
  • Loss
  • Feeling Sluggish
  • Missing friends and social interactions
  • 39% of the student population highlighted feeling unmotivated

    4.84% of the student population have highlighted feeling anxious

    6.14% of the student population have highlighted feeling stressed

    7.46% of the student population have highlighted feeling lockdown has had a negative effect on their mental health

    5.4% of the student population have highlighted feeling lonely or alone

    2.68% of the student population have highlighted their sleeping patterns have been negatively affected

    Please remember you have access to togetherall, kooth, SHOUT, MIND and the Wyke Wellbeing Blog all of which have lots of advice, guidance and resources which you can use to help yourself to feel well. You can also access the wellbeing service within college by emailing:

    Even though you have all felt lockdown has had a negative effect on your wellbeing, you were also able to share some fantastic ideas about how you have been supporting yourself to feel better and combat some of those issues. Here are YOUR fantastic wellbeing tools;

  • Walking
  • Running
  • Reading
  • Listening to music
  • Playing musical instruments
  • Accessed wellbeing service at Wyke
  • Engaged with college wellbeing activities
  • Exercising
  • Dancing
  • Talking to family, friends, staff
  • Spending time with family
  • Seeing friends (socially distanced)
  • Healthy eating
  • Self-care
  • Structuring your day
  • Creative- colouring, drawing, painting, taking photographs
  • Taking regular breaks
  • Healthy sleep pattern
  • Accessing counsellor or GP
  • Accessing support from Wyke staff
  • Cooking and baking
  • Watching films, TV shows, football
  • Journaling
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • FaceTime parties
  • Zoom parties
  • Bike rides
  • Staying positive!
  • Look after pets
  • Gaming
  • Movie nights
  • Phone and social media detox
  • New hobbies
  • Well done to you all for having such a positive range of wellbeing tools and putting them into action to support yourself and your wellbeing.

    If you have not already done so, look at the wellbeing tools and try a few for yourself, they will help to motivate you, lift your mood and help to relieve stress and anxiety. If you start to complete a wellbeing activity every day you will notice a difference.


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